General Assessment

Main constraints in the development of the housing finance sector  
New developments that will have a major impact on the sector 
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Notes: 1% Transfer Value
Notes: 10%
Notes: 20%.
Notes: 20%.
Notes: 2008 estimate
Notes: 2008 estimate
Notes: 2008 estimate
Notes: 2008 estimate
Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: 2010 = 100
Notes: 50-100 USD
Notes: 600-700 USD
Notes: 600-700 USD
Notes: 600-700 USD
Notes: 70-100 USD
Notes: 80%.
Notes: 80%.
Notes: 80-90%
Notes: 90-95%
Notes: Almost all use credit reports
Notes: around 5~6 times
Notes: around 5~6 times
Notes: Bhat 1.5 million. IMF annual average official rate for 2008 (33.39 Bhat = 1 USD).
Notes: Bhat 2 million. IMF annual average official rate for 2008 (33.39 Bhat = 1 USD).
Notes: CODI
Notes: CODI
Notes: CODI reaches >80,000 hh in slum areas; credit is provided to hh in savings groups and reaches <1 decile; Credit Unions are often workplace-based and typically serve hh below the median income.
Notes: CODI reaches >80,000 hh in slum areas; credit is provided to hh in savings groups and reaches <1 decile; Credit Unions are often workplace-based and typically serve hh below the median income.
Notes: Completed and registered housing units in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Completed and registered housing units in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Completed and registered housing units in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Completed and registered housing units in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Completed and registered housing units in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Credit Unions
Notes: Credit Unions
Notes: Credit Unions
Notes: Estimate.
Notes: Estimate.
Notes: For special Government Programs under the NHA.
Notes: For special Government Programs under the NHA.
Notes: For special Government Programs under the NHA.
Notes: Government Housing Bank
Notes: Government Housing Bank
Notes: Government Housing Bank
Notes: Less than 1% of total
Notes: Less than 5%
Notes: Maximum LTV
Notes: National Rate
Notes: National Rate
Notes: National Rate
Notes: Number of Land and Property Transactions in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Number of Land and Property Transactions in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Number of Land and Property Transactions in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Number of Land and Property Transactions in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Number of Land and Property Transactions in Bangkok Metropolis
Notes: Q4 2013, only commercial banks
Notes: Q4 2014, only commercial banks
Notes: Q4 2015, only commercial banks
Notes: Q4 2016, only commercial banks
Notes: Q4 2017, only commercial banks
Notes: Q4 2018, only commercial banks
Notes: sq. mt.