Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyz Republic : Statistical Data At-A-Glance
Total population6.32 million2018WDI
Urban population (% of total)36.35% of total2018WDI
GDP, current prices (U.S. dollars)8,013 USD (millions)2018WEO
GDP based on PPP per capita GDP (Current international dollar)3,812.16 USD 2018WEO
Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Percent change)4.06%2018WEO
Average bank deposit rate2.42%2018IFS
Lending rate19.51%2018IFS
Owner-occupied units98.7% of total2018Country Editor
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year in millions of USD:175.85 USD (millions)2018National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Total amount of home mortgage loans outstanding at the end of year as % of GDP (current)2.19%2018National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Typical LTV at origination50%-60%2011UNECE Country Profiles on the Housing Sector
Typical pmt-to-income ratio (HH income)40%2018Country Editor
Retail funding (deposits/other)primary2018UNECE
Typical number of days needed for the transfer of title3.52018WDI

About the Editor

State Mortgage Company (SMC)

The State Mortgage Company was established in June 2015 by the Kyrgyzstan government. This was done to ensure the country's population with affordable housing and to contribute to the development of the country's economic market.