Publish Date |
Title |
Author |
 | December 2016 | SANAD Housing Finance Study: Housing Finance in the Middle East and North Africa | Hans-Joachim Dübel and Olivier Hassler |
 | July 18, 2016 | Habitat III: Draft New Urban Agenda | UN HABITAT |
 | 2016 | Determinants of Financial Inclusion of Urban Poor in India: An Empirical Analysis | Dhananjay Bapat, Biswa Nath Bhattacharyay |
 | 2016 | Financial Development, Inequality and Poverty: Some International Evidence | Sami Ben Naceur |
 | 2015 | Can Islamic Banking Increase Financial Inclusion? | Sami Ben Naceur, Adolfo Barajas, and Alexander Massara |
 | 2015 | By the Numbers: Benchmarking Progress Toward Financial Inclusion | Sonja E. Kelly and Elisabeth Rhyne |
 | 2015 | Client Protection Principles: Model Law and Commentary for Financial Consumer Protection | Jay Gary Finkelstein, Sara K. Andrews, and Erik D. Choisy |
 | 2015 | Financial Inclusion: Zooming in on Latin America | Era Dabla-Norris, Yixi Deng, Anna Ivanova, Izabela Karpowicz, Filiz Unsal, Eva VanLeemput, and Joyce Wong |
 | 2015 | Financial Inclusion and Development in the CEMAC | Adrian Alter and Boriana Yontcheva |
 | 2015 | Global Microscope 2015 | The Economist Intelligence Unit |
 | 2015 | Guidance on the Application of the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision to the Regulation and Supervision of Ins | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
 | 2014 | Measuring Financial Inclusion: A Multidimensional Index | Noelia Cámara and David Tuesta |
 | 2013 | Insights from “Beta Testing” the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management | Microfinance CEO Working Group |
 | 2013 | Measuring Financial Inclusion Explaining Variation Across and Within Countries | Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Leora Klapper* |
 | 2013 | Looking Through The Demographic Window: Implications for Financial Includsion | Peter Kasprowicz |
 | 2013 | Banking on Change: Breaking the Barriers to Financial Inclusion | Alice Allan |
 | 2013 | The Journey Toward 'Cash Lite' | Better Than Cash Alliance |
 | 2013 | Committe on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households - Executive Summary | |
 | 2013 | Housing and Housing Finance—A Review of the Links to Economic Development and Poverty Reduction | John Doling |
 | 2012 | How Financial Literacy Affects Household Wealth Accumulation | Jere R. Behrman, Olivia S. Mitchell, Cindy K. Soo, and David Bravo |
 | 2012 | Beyond financial inclusion: The promise and practice of inclusive cash lite | David Porteous |
 | 2012 | Revised Regulatory and Supervisory Guidelines for Microfinance Banks (MFBs) in Nigeria | Central Bank of Nigeria |
 | 2012 | Measuring Financial Inclusion: The Global Findex Database | Asli Demirguc-Kunt |
 | 2012 | The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion | The World Bank - Finance and Private Sector Development Team |
 | 2012 | The Financial Behavior of Rural Residents: Findings from Five Latin American Countries | Jacqueline Urquizo |
 | 2012 | Monetization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries | Cameron McLoughlin |
 | 2012 | The Foundations of Financial Inclusion (working paper) | Franklin Allen |
 | 2012 | The Foundations of Financial Inclusion (presentation) | Franklin Allen |
 | 2012 | Channeling Cash Flows Towards A New Business Model for Low-Income Savings Mobilization | Guy Stuart |
 | 2011 | Homeownership Education and Counseling: Do We Know What Works? | J. Michael Collins |
 | 2011 | Use of Banking Services in Emerging Markets - Household-level Evidence | Thorsten Beck and Martin Brown |
 | 2011 | On Harnessing the Potential of Financial Inclusion | Peter Dittus and Michael Klein |
 | 2011 | Opportunities and Obstacles to Financial Inclusion: Survey Report | Anita Gardeva & Elisabeth Rhyne |
 | 2011 | Financial Literacy Around the World: An Overview | Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell |
 | 2011 | The Outlook for Financial Literacy | Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell |
 | 2010 | Data & Measurement Cafe - World Cafe | Alliance for Financial Inclusion |
 | 2010 | Financial Access 2010: The State of Financial Inclusion Through the Crisis | Nataliya Mylenko |
 | 2009 | The Microbanking Bulletin No. 19 | Microfinance Information Exchange |
 | 2009 | Policy Principles for Expanding Financial Access | Stijn Claessens, Patrick Honohan, Liliana Rojas-Suarez |
 | 2009 | CGAP Financial Access 2009: Measuring Access to Financial Services around the World | Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/The World Bank |
 | 2009 | Scenarios for Branchless Banking in 2020 | Mark Pickens, David Porteous and Sarah Rotman |
 | 2008 | Finance for All?: Policies and Pitfalls in Expanding Access | The World Bank |
 | 2007 | The Next 4 Billion: Market Size and Business Strategy at the Base of the Pyramid | Allen L. Hammond, William J. Kramer, Robert S. Katz, Julia T. Tran, Courland Walker |
 | 2006 | The Basic Analytics of Access to Financial Services | Thorsten Beck |