Publish Date |
Title |
Author |
 | June 16, 2020 | Policy Actions for Affordable Housing in Latvia | OECD |
 | March 18, 2019 | Lessons from Introducing Contractual Savings for Housing Schemes in Transition Countries | Hans-Joachim Dübel |
 | 2016 | Hypostat 2016 | European Mortgage Federation |
 | 2016 | Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey 2017 | Performance Urban Planning, The New Zealand Initiative and Oliver Hartwich |
 | 2016 | Bank Ownership: Trends and Implications IMF Report | Robert Cull, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria and Jeanne Verrier |
 | 2015 | Housing Finance and Real-Estate Booms: A Cross-Country Perspective | Eugenio Cerutti, Jihad Dagher, and Giovanni Dell'Arricia |
 | 2015 | What Matters for Financial Development and Stability? | Raja M. Almarzoqi, Sami Ben Naceur, and Akshay Kotak |
 | 2015 | Optimism up on house prices | |
 | 2015 | Mortgage market flexibility and the transmission of house price shocks: a multi-country study | P. Reusens |
 | December 2014 | Housing Finance Markets in Southeast Asian Countries | Masahiro Kobayashi |
 | June 2014 | Financial Stability Report, International experience with macro-prudential mortgage product instruments | Bank of England |
 | 2014 | The Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: Some Uncomfortable Questions | Stijn Claessens and Laura Kodres |
 | 2014 | Financial Structure and Growth | Leonardo Gambacorta, Jing Yang and Kostas Tsatsaronis |
 | 2013 | Housing Finance Across Countries: New Data and Analysis | Anton Badev, Thorsten Beck, Ligia Vado, Simon Walley |
 | 2013 | The Portuguese Slump-Crash and the Euro-Crisis | Ricardo Reis |
 | 2013 | Too Cold, Too Hot, Or Just Right? Assessing Financial Sector Development Across the Globe | Adolfo Barajas |
 | 2013 | Benchmarking Financial Systems - Introducing the Financial Possibility Frontier | Thorsten Beck |
 | 2012 | Developing Housing Finance Systems | Francis Warnock |
 | 2012 | A Comparative Context for U.S. Housing Policy: Housing Markets and the Financial Crisis in Europe, Asia, and Beyond | Ashok Bardhan, Robert Edelstein, Cynthia Kroll |
 | 2012 | Foreign Banks: Trends, Impact and Financial Stability | Stijn Claessens |
 | 2012 | Weathering Financial Crises: Bond Markets in Asia and the Pacific | Bank for International Settlements |
 | 2012 | Financial Intermediation Costs in Low-Income Countries: The Role of Regulatory, Institutional, and Macroeconomic Factors | Tigram Poghosyan |
 | 2012 | Mortgage Market Design | John Y. Campbell |
 | 2012 | Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank |
 | 2011 | A New Mortgage Credit Regime for Europe Setting the Right Priorities | Hans-Joachim (Achim) Dübel & Marc Rothemund |
 | 2011 | Government Interventions in Housing Finance Markets: An International Overview | Alven Lam |
 | 2010 | A Bird's Eye View of OECD Housing Markets | Christophe André |
 | 2010 | Alternative Forms of Mortgage Finance: What Can We Learn From Other Countries? | Michael Lea |
 | 2010 | Mortgage Finance Reform : Protecting Taxpayers from Liability | Neil Mohindra |
 | 2009 | "Housing Provident Funds," In Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets | Loïc Chiquier |
 | 2009 | "State Housing Banks," In Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets | Olivier Hassler and Bertrand Renaud |
 | 2009 | Guide to Preparing a Housing Finance Strategy | UN-Habitat |
 | 2009 | "Contractual Savings for Housing," In Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets | Hans-Joachim Dübel |
 | 2009 | "Structure and Evolution of Housing Finance Systems," In Housing Finance Policy in Emerging Markets | Michael Lea |
 | 2009 | State Financial Institutions Mandates, Governance, and Beyond | Heinz P. Rudolph |
 | 2008 | The housing meltdown: Why did it happen in the United States? | Luci Ellis |
 | 2008 | Markets and Housing Finance | Veronica Cacdac Warnock |
 | 2007 | 180 Years' Evolution of the US Mortgage Banking System: Lessons for Emerging Mortgage Markets | Man Cho |
 | 2007 | Crisis Intervention in Housing Finance: The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation | Alex J. Pollock |
 | 2005 | Housing Finance Systems For Countries in Transition Principles and Examples | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
 | 2003 | Financial Market Imperfections and Home Ownership: A Comparative Study | Maria Concetta Chiuri |
 | 1998 | "Secondary Market-Based Versus Depository-Based Housing Finance Systems" in Secondary Mortgage Markets: Int'l Perspectives | Jack M. Guttentag |
 | 1995 | Extract from Sustainable Financing for Housing: A Contribution to Habitat II | Douglas B. Diamond, Jr. & Michael J. Lea |
 | 1994 | Simplicity Versus Complexity in the Evolution of Housing Finance Systems | Alex Pollock |
 | 1992 | Housing Finance in Developed Countries: An International Comparison of Efficiency | Douglas B. Diamond, Jr. & Michael J. Lea |
 | 1974 | The Residential Mortgage Market in Recent Years: Structural Changes, Sectoral Behavior, and the Cost & Availability of Mortgage Credit | Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond |
 | 1974 | Investor Participation in Financing Residential Mortgages: 1963-1972 | Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond |
 | | Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development | Katsiaryna Svirydzenka |
 | | Housing Finance in Latin America | Frank Warnock |
 | | Europe May Provide Lessons on Preventing Mortgage Defaults | Juan Carlos Hatchondo, Leonardo Martinez and Juan M. Sánchez |